Neuro Healing Method

Neuro-healing method is a natural treatment system, through which the blockage of the flow of blood going on inside the body and the blockage of energy inside the body can be started very easily through this method. The blood flowing inside the body reaches different parts of the body through different types of blood vessels and energy is produced in the organs due to which there is a blockage in the blood and energy due to which the related organs and systems stop their work. and weakness, lethargy and fatigue etc. start in the body and with this long time, gradually the blockage in the body takes the form of disease. If we follow the natural laws from time to time, as the season changes, the season changes, the time changes, in the same way, a lot changes in our body in this change. Due to this change, many types of disturbances arise in the body. To cure them

,we should keep taking treatment of our body at the right time with the help of natural treatment neuro healing method. There are six main parts of the body (which are mentioned below) such as:- Head, chest, abdomen, knees, neck and spine. They should be treated after every two months. Once the organ is treated with neuro method, then there is no defect in it for a year.
Neuro Healing Treatment Method
In this method, the treatment is done according to the natural law and according to what has been discovered by the saint, the patient is cured by giving treatment to the main part, the auxiliary part according to the disease. By giving treatment to a main part, its auxiliary part and many other diseases are automatically treated. The method used in this method is named PRMVTS. By this method, any disease in any part of the body can be cured. We will tell PRMVTS in brief.

P-(Pressure):- By which the stagnant blood is opened by pressing and energy is stirred and that part of the body is slightly warmed that the stagnant blood is started by the pressure. Due to this, energy and blood flow smoothly in the body. In this method, pressure is done with the tip of the fingers, palm and heel of the foot. Pressure is done in different ways in the parts of the body, which is taught and done in practical.

R- (Rubbing):- After applying pressure to the nadis, applying light oil (like mustard oil, sesame oil, linseed oil, almond oil and coconut oil etc.) Like a mother caresses her children with love and like animals caress their children with their tongue. This process is done for 10 to 15 seconds. This too is taught and taught practically.

M-(Massage):- After rubbing, massage is done in that part. This massage is done according to the body in the form of a triangle-shaped light according to the nerves, according to the age and condition of the patient, with the help of light hands very carefully. It should also be taught and taught practical, which is done according to the education of neuro-healing method.

Y-(Vibration):- After pressure, rubbing and massage, the nadis are given vibration with a massager made by well-known companies so that the accumulated blood inside the nadis starts vibrating and the nadis become clean and fresh and for a long time. Till the pulse becomes pure and fresh. This too is taught and taught practically.

T-(TENS):- A tenus machine is a small battery operated device which is connected to electrodes by sticky pads. Connecting that pad to the skin starts the machine. It is felt in the form of tingling through electrical waves to the affected part of the body. These electrical waves reduce pain signals going to the brain, and help in healing muscle pains. It relieves the natural pain of the body. It helps in reducing pain, muscle stiffness. It cures deep pain sitting inside the body. There is a very sure way to cure tanus pain. The treatment depends on the patient and the condition of the disease. The treatment is generally very safe. This too is taught and taught practically.

S-(Settings):- The way every function and every app has settings on mobile nowadays, from that settings we can start the function according to us. In the same way, the joints of different parts of our body such as spinal cord beads or nerves climbing on each other, neck vein climbing, jolts, knees, hips are out of line and in other places in the body. The bones are set upsetting. This too is taught and taught practically. In order to cure any disease that comes inside the body by this method, the disease is treated by the method of neuro-healing method, which is very effective, which is very effective in curing common and unintentional diseases.

For the study and teaching of neuro healing method, a course has to be taken in which different healers are prepared such as hadick-healer, spine-healer, knee-healer and stomach-healer are prepared. The duration of each healer's training and practical course is one year, which is conducted in camps and training centers. The minimum qualification for this training has been kept 10th and above.
Neuro Healing Method:-
For the last thirty years, for the well-being of humanity, Saint Jagdish Muni, who has been treating different diseases of patients by organizing 15-day camps all over India, through his life's sadhana and penance, and Buddha men, saints, great men, yogis and ancient times. Since then, keeping the practice and results of the natural methods going on in humanity, has made a new discovery of an effective method for the treatment of diseases, due to which very wonderful and amazing results have come to the fore. According to the service of Saint ji's daily treatment, the method which has been discovered has yielded 90 to 95 percent successful results and simple and unintentional diseases have been cured by this method. Patients who are allergic to wheat, Cerebral Policy (CP), Paralysis, Mentally-Retired etc. have been cured in incurable diseases. Along with this, Saint ji has discovered to cure 105 minor neuros of the body by searching deeply to heal the neuro system, so that any sick part of the body can be easily cured and any simple (such as headache, migraine, eye, nose, ear, throat, eye, cold, thyroid, shortness of breath, heart problem, chest pain, abdominal pain, urinary disease, kidney, liver disease, jaundice, constipation, diarrhea, Secret diseases, Cervical, Shoulder pain, Numbness of hands and feet, Back pain, Sciatica, Hip pain, Knee pain, Leg pain) Extraordinary diseases like Allergy to wheat, CP, MR, Depression, Diseases like sugar, paralysis and accidental cases can be easily cured. The specialty of this method is that no kind of medicine is used in it, but taking medicines for a long time and getting more patients also benefits from diseases. It is a natural treatment method that works according to the natural laws and gives amazing results. When the law of nature is broken, disease arises and when the law is followed, the disease is cured. Nature keeps trying all the time to make the decorated creation beautiful and beautiful at its level. In today's time, where man has become a victim of many diseases by breaking the laws of nature and is using many types of medicines, whose dangerous results are coming out. According to the practice of Saint ji, newly born babies who are born with dangerous diseases like CP, Muscular Dystrophy, Epilepsy, unable to walk and unable to get up, etc., are being born and in the coming time this count may increase even more.
If in the same way the governments will promote allopathy and reject natural treatment, then in a short time humanity will end with terrible diseases without any war. The entire responsibility for this will be of the present government and culture. In order to make the government and humanity aware in this terrible time, a series of 15 days camps were started by Sant ji for a long time and in the same series till date 470 camps have been organized for 15 days all over India. In these camps, MLAs, MPs, ministers and high officials of the country have got rid of various diseases while getting treatment. But till date the government is reluctant to recognize this method. But Sant ji has to say that if this method had been recognized by the government a long time ago, thousands of neuro-healers would have been prepared by today and the whole country would have been ringing for natural treatment and India would have spent billions of rupees on medicines. Would have survived and India would have become Vishwa Guru. But the biggest inadequacy of the governments of this country is that no good and experienced person is valued in the country of India, but people are limited to their stomach only. But still, the method that Saint ji has discovered to take India to the heights and to illuminate the name of India in the whole world, has been named Neuro-healing, while continuing the passion of his service. In the coming time, this method will cure the diseases spreading all over the world without any medicine, without operation, without vaccine and without spending extra money, and due to which there will be no side effects, but get rid of your disease in a natural way. Will be able to achieve But Saint ji says that in due course of time the whole humanity should pay attention to natural treatment and leave medicines and get natural treatment by joining nature and get rid of your diseases.
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What is Neuro Healing?
The method which has been discovered by Sant Jagdish Muni Ji Acharya after the hard penance of the last 30 years has been named Neuro Healing. It is known from this name that neuro which is the main arrangement to do the activities going on in our body properly. Neuro (automatic system) which controls all the activities of the body and also manages to cure the problems (diseases) that come in them. But when there is a defect in the neuro itself, then how to fix it. To fix this, no special treatment was invented even after hard work by scientists all over the world in science. There could be no permanent cure for ill-fated diseases like CP, MR, seizures, vet allergy. The main reason for this is that it is a matter of sadhana and penance because science can search only on what is visible. But to know that which is invisible, yoga, sadhana, austerity, samadhi etc. states are needed from which all scientists are deprived. Because of this, the subject of neuro is far from their understanding because neuro is driven by invisible waves of the universe such as radio waves. For this, to understand those waves, this neuro system can be corrected only by going to the state given above. For information, let us tell you that to cure any neuro-related disease, the patient does not need any operation or medicines. For this, natural treatment is required to correct this natural system.
Saint ji has discovered two ways to cure the neuro system. The first path is derived from his sadhana and penance, by which Brahmandi waves are corrected and the second is the physical path, by which the defects in the body and 105 minor-neurons present in the body are corrected. The method that works in this neuro-healing method, which has been invented to cure this system and to cure un-desired diseases, is known as PRMVTS which is natural. and has been going on since time immemorial. Saint ji has given a boon to the entire humanity to cure the diseases of humanity by giving a new modern look, due to which lakhs of unemployed will get employment in the coming time and lakhs of diseases will be cured without medicine, without operation and without vaccine. This will remove the world's economic slowdown and scientists will get a new way to make good inventions.